It’s Flashback Friday! Here’s a throwback to 14 years ago. I was living in Bellingham, WA and working as a full-time musician teaching and playing all sorts of gigs (not much different today). This is my set from Summer Meltdown festival in 2011 at Whitehorse Amphitheater, Darrington, WA

Recorded live by Steve Kennedy-Williams
Sony PCM-M10 Onboard Omni > Reaper > CD Wave > Trader’s Little Helper > Flac

Photo by Kristine Ashcraft

This is from an era when I used a small looper pedal for my solo shows (These days I play guitar-only). I would capture my guitar parts in real-time, then playback the loop so I could play a lead on top. I still have my trust Boss RC-20 but it doesn’t come out of the case too much these days.


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