WhorlWood Music

My acoustic group WhorlWood had a great time performing at Big Alice Brewing yesterday in Geneva, NY. We were discussing over one of our breaks how long we have been playing together. To our best estimates 2024 represents our eighth year. The unofficial first gig with the core trio of Michael Gonzalez (guitar), Perry Cleaveland (mandolin), and Doug Henrie (upright bass) happened on October 2, 2015…nearly nine years ago. The funny part of this story is that we had never met before that day.

I was scheduled to play a solo set for the Geneva Night Out & FLX Cider Soireé on Linden Street. During fair weather season they close Linden Street to car traffic in favor of outdoor seating, pedestrians, and live music. There was an acoustic act set to play after me. But when they arrived they told about two problems that were hindering the start time. 1) Their guitar player was unable to make it. 2) He was also suppose to bring their sound system. So they asked me if they could use my equipment for their set. And then offered me to sit in with their group since the guitarist wasn’t coming. This coincidence led to the formation of WhorlWood pictured below with Cap Cooke (banjo).

You have a few chances to catch us live in May of 2024. We will be back for the Memorial Day “Celebrate and Commemorate” event on May 25 at Oak Island Park in Waterloo, NY. We’ll be in quartet form that day with special guest Steve Imbrugia (percussion). Plus we’ll be performing in downtown Geneva, NY on May 10 for their “Live From Linden” outdoor concert series. We’re making plans to record an album to be released later this year. Featuring the core trio of Michael Gonzalez (guitar + vocals), Perry Cleaveland (mandolin + vocals), Doug Henrie (upright bass) along with Steve Imbrugia (percussion). We’ll also be featuring several guest musicians on the project to showcase the amazing breadth of talent in our region. Thanks for the support!

Michael “LoneGonzo” Gonzalez’s sultry voice and astute guitar playing always deliver a dynamic, engaging show. His original music is infused with elements of roots, jazz, folk, soul, blues, rock, reggae, funk and world music. He’s worked as a professional musician for over 20 years — writing, teaching, and performing throughout the United States. The founder of the FLIMA Alliance which advocates for musicians and curates special programs and community events. He’s also the co-founder and artistic director of the Geneva Jazz Festival.

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